Sunday, 8 December 2019
'Paris': A Story
This story was written in ten minutes, no editing allowed, during a meeting of the Uxbridge Writers' Circle. The prompt I used was a picture of a bowl of fruit, similar to the one above.
Frank sat in front of the easel, disappointed. This is not what he'd worked so hard for, saved his money for - another still-life painting class. He was sick and tired of sketching the shapes of pears, apples, oranges, cherries. It was always fruit. Why couldn't they be more imaginative?
He had dreamed of this day, when he would study art in Paris. His friends he left back at the Ontario College of Art had opened a few bottles of fizzy wine (couldn't afford the real stuff) to celebrate. Frank had been overjoyed that he'd been accepted into the prestigious Paris school, but he had to pay most of the cost himself. He didn't have a rich father or a wealthy aunt to fund his dream. He worked two part-time jobs and lived a careful, thrifty life in a bed-sit in Toronto until it was time to fly across the Atlantic.
But then to be greeted by what appeared to be the same bowl of fruit he'd drawn and painted two semesters ago, was a real downer.
The art master, Marcel, dressed in a suave silk purple shirt, descended on him with what seemed like a sudden whoosh. Marcel stood back, moved forward, looked sideways and sniffed. A few words in French, a few brush strokes and a few colour-mixes later, Frank gazed with astonishment. The bowl of fruit, although not completed, lept off the canvas. The fruit looked good enough to eat, freshly picked off the tree, catching the sun's rays. Marcel had captured the patina of the skins, the textures.
Frank now knew he was going to learn a lot.
Vicky Earle copyright 2019
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Meg Sheppard Mystery Series Available As E-books!

Nominated for Indie Diamond Book Award!
Here are the descriptions of these three cozy mysteries and the links to your favourite e-book retailer:
Book 1: "What Happened to Frank?"
On the dreaded anniversary of Frank's untimely death, Meg's conviction that it was no accident turns into a keen determination to find out who killed her husband.
Along the rocky journey to uncover the truth, she faces demons from her youth spent in England as well as unsettling memories of her unusual marriage to Frank in Canada.
As she follows the bends in the road, she discovers who her true two-legged and four-legged friends are, but also unearths facts that she finds tough to face.
"What Happened to Frank?" e-book link
Book 2: "Over Frank's Dead Body." (Nominated for Indie Diamond Book Award)
Meg's mother shows up in Meg's life, just as her daughter's relationship with Chuck begins to crumble. But when Chuck is accused of murder, he needs Meg's help.
Is Frank's murder, the death of a jockey at the racetrack and the theft of some horses linked?
Meg's search to unearth the truth brings some much-needed light into her life.
"Over Frank's Dead Body"e-book link
Book 3: "Pointed Attacks." (Canada Book Award WINNER)
Racehorse trainer Grayson is found dead in his office trailer and Meg's trainer, Neal, asks her to investigate. The members of a syndicate, who owned five horses trained by Grayson, are all under suspicion. But the list of suspects grows as Meg learns more about the horses' unexpected poor health and disappointing performances. Meg is under pressure to uncover the elusive truth, to put a stop to both people and animals being hurt.
And a secret is revealed that has a profound effect on Meg's personal life.
"Pointed Attacks" e-book link
Happy reading - and don't forget to leave a review!!
Thank you!
(Kelly thanks you too!)
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Author Interview in 'Crime Scene'!
I am a member of Sisters in Crime, Toronto Chapter, and was fortunate to be interviewed by Arlene McCarthy for 'Crime Scene', the on-line magazine of this great organization.
Thank you to Sisters in Crime for giving me permission to reprint the interview.
Criminal Intent
Featuring Vicky Earle
Interviewed by Arlene McCarthy
Born in England, Vicky Earle now lives on a small farm near Goodwood, Ontario, and tells us that the horses come first, dog and cats a distant second, and humans are there to look after them all. Vicky and her husband, Martin, raised two active sons who miraculously survived the adventures of country life.
Writing is a life-long passion for Vicky. Her Meg Sheppard Mystery Series is centred around horses, horse-racing and country-living. Her interesting blog includes some of the short stories she has written for the Uxbridge Writers Circle based on their monthly prompts.
Her two Meg Sheppard novels, What Happened to Frank? (2015) and Over Frank’s Dead Body (2018), will soon be followed by Pointed Attacks, which Vicky launches November 17, 2019, with a book signing at Blue Heron Books in Uxbridge.
Q: How do you think the rural and small-town setting contribute to the suspense in your novels?
A: Few people live on a horse farm, as Meg does, and that gives me the potential to create unexpected situations. Moreover, it is the setting that I’m most familiar with. Meg believes she’s happy living alone with her animals, but she faces challenges to this belief through incidents in each book. In the first book, her determination to find out what happened to her husband, Frank, makes her vulnerable to vengeful attacks. And the fact that she lives in relative isolation makes it easier for the perpetrator to get away with his actions.
When her truck is tampered with, she and Kelly find themselves under threat at the side of a country road.
In Over Frank’s Dead Body, Meg hires a security guard but even that step doesn’t prevent people from entering the barn and a shot being fired.
Q: Why did you choose to use horses and horse-racing as the hook for many of the events in this series?
A: Horses have been a part of my life for about 25 years. We have been involved in horse-racing since 1988, first as owners but later we became involved in breeding (in a small way). Horse-racing provides tremendous material for a mystery writer like me.
The characters involved in the industry range from hotwalkers to some extremely wealthy racehorse owners, with everything in between. There is corruption, doping and other offences, despite increased regulations and testing.
This is discouraging and frustrating for those of us who are honest racehorse owners, but it all provides great material for a mystery author! Frank, Meg’s husband, had been successful in his pursuit of an anti-drug regulation which banned StartSmart. In What Happened to Frank?, Meg finds out that their racehorse trainer is not only opposed to the new regulation, but is vocal, even aggressive, about his opposition.
In Over Frank’s Dead Body, Meg is asked to look into the sudden death of a jockey that appears to be linked to race-fixing and illegal gambling.
Q: Why did you place Meg as an immigrant to Canada from Britain?
A: I emigrated to Canada from England with my husband many years ago. Meg has been in Canada for about 20 years. It gives me a reason to use some of my knowledge of England and of English people to enhance the story, and I found that it helped me to add some intrigue, including in my third book, Pointed Attacks.
Q: You created a big stable of secondary characters who live in these two novels, both human and animal, yet they seem very real. How did you manage that?
A: I enjoy creating characters. I particularly like the process of writing and developing the characters at the same time. While I might have a loose outline to start and perhaps some notes about each character, I like to have no constraints as I write. I imagine myself as each individual character, and attempt to come up with how they might react or feel about what’s happening.
If a character needs to change – either the kind of person he or she is, or how he or she behaves, and so on, I will make those changes. And sometimes this means going back and rewriting substantial parts of the book.
Kelly, Meg’s beloved border collie, plays a role in both books in helping her, but Kelly is herself a victim of criminal activity in each novel. Meg “rescued” her from the Vannersville Humane Society where she worked as the Executive Director until she was abruptly dismissed. Kelly is smart and intuitive, loyal and trustworthy. She has the mentality of a rescue dog, with her eternal gratitude for being adopted, and with her unwavering, unconditional love for Meg.
Meg loves Kelly deeply and, in the first book, this fact is used by an antagonist as a way to threaten her.
Animals are less complex than humans, but each has a unique personality. I’ve lived with animals all my life and enjoy their company – including when I write about them. They are fun to include in the story.
Q: Readers often turn to mysteries for a little escape from real life. Tell us how you used such serious issues as sexual abuse, a failed mother-daughter relationship, political corruption, fraud, alcoholism, puppy mills, and gambling to further your plots and develop suspense without “putting your readers off.”
A: These are difficult issues, but I do not include any graphic, intensive description in my books. Also, the characters are not violent, evil or cruel enough to be offensive. But there are some characters who have flaws, who are unethical, who can be dangerous and who are malicious.
For example, in What Happened to Frank? a group of business people want to stop Meg from investigating Frank’s death. They use a variety of intimidation tactics, including threats, that Brad Buckthorn plays a key role in carrying out. But Meg is not easily discouraged. In Over Frank’s Dead Body, gun shots are fired on Meg’s farm by a man who appears to be deranged. Meg is alarmed by his behaviour, but it doesn’t make sense to her. She finds out more as she talks to both him and his wife, Joanna. And Meg encounters a shady character, Dominic Marcel, who’s involved in the seedy side of the horse-racing industry and a suspect in the jockey’s murder. It’s easy to jump to the conclusion that he’s the “bad guy,” responsible for all the crimes Meg uncovers.
Q: What qualities enable Meg to search for truth and justice in spite of the lack of those qualities in her relationships with others?
A: Meg wants to search for truth and justice partly for that reason – because she finds these qualities lacking in many of the people she interacts with. She was raised in an environment full of lies and deceit, and her emigration to Canada was, in part, an attempt to escape that.
And, although she would not describe herself as a compassionate person, she is. She ran the Vannersville Humane Society and is an animal lover, but she also cares about people and what happens to them.
However, Meg believes that she’s unable to develop and maintain intimate relationships. She has trouble with physical touch. In What Happened to Frank? she reflects on how she’s got used to living alone, used to the privacy, solitude and freedom. And she’s afraid of being hurt. The abuse she suffered from her stepfather back in England means she believes she is“damaged goods.” But these beliefs are challenged, to some extent, as she interacts with Tom, Chuck and William.
Despite her faltering self-esteem and sometimes wavering confidence (which can cause her to appear to be a reluctant sleuth), Meg does want to unearth the truth and to help ensure that justice is served. She draws on her resilience as she continues on a path of self-discovery and growth.
Q: How can we expect to see Meg develop in Pointed Attacks, the third book of your series?
A: In Pointed Attacks she is even more frustrated with her search for the truth as she investigates murder, and at the same time uncovers a life-changing family secret. The layers of lies and half-truths, as well as the unkindness she comes across, are a severe challenge for Meg.
There is a new relationship in her life that Meg wonders if she’s ready for, and as her home fills up with people, conflicts arise, resulting in comings and goings that add to the pressure Meg is under as she investigates.
She must hone her interpersonal skills, but she encounters glitches along the way. Her relationship with William is not solid and must overcome some hurdles. However, Meg continues her slow journey of healing and self-discovery, and becomes more certain of what is important to her in her life as the novel progresses.
Q: What part of writing these novels was a joy for you and why?
A: I love each and every aspect of writing a novel. From the very first thought, to the last word, I love it. And I even enjoy editing!
The greatest joy comes, though, when a reader tells me that they loved my books, and asks when the next one is coming out.
Q: What authors have influenced your mystery writing?
A: I read an eclectic mix of authors.
Many of them are not mystery writers. I read non-fiction such as memoirs, as well as a few historical books. And I read classic literature as well as modern writing. All of these books have influenced me in a variety of ways. I learn from each book I read. My bookshelves are crammed with great books! (Editor’s note: Vicky lists some of her recent reads on her blog.)
The book I have just finished is, coincidentally, Footprints to Murder, a Hannah Ives mystery by Marcia Talley. I bought the book at a Sisters in Crime meeting where Marcia was a speaker. Her talk was excellent and gave me the boost I needed to keep writing. The story unfolds during the Sasquatch Sesquicentennial conference. Marcia brings the setting and characters to life, and the plot is cleverly based on the controversy surrounding Bigfoot’s existence.
I enjoyed the quotes from books and excerpts from newspapers that Marcia includes at the beginning of each chapter. And I appreciated the research that Marcia had obviously undertaken on the Bigfoot phenomenon. The book was a fun and pleasant read.
Q: What advice would you give yourself if you could look back in time at yourself as a newbie author?
A: It would have been helpful if I had known more about marketing. I am still learning how to promote my books and attract new readers. Familiarity with social media would have been an asset. I’ve spent quite a bit of time learning how to use these tools, including selecting which ones are worth the time to maintain. I still have a long way to go.
I should have been more prepared to invest in my writing, financially. Investment is essential.
As newbie authors, we need to be kind to ourselves. Part of this is giving ourselves time to build a solid and loyal readership. It takes patience and quite a bit of effort. And we should do our best to overcome the waves of self-doubt that roll in from time to time. I need frequent boosts to my confidence from feedback from readers as well as from interactions with other writers.
Q: Can you give us a few “teasers” to encourage us to read Pointed Attacks?
A: Okay, here is the book blurb description:
“Grayson, a racehorse trainer, is found dead in his office trailer and Meg’s trainer, Neal, asks her to investigate.
The members of a syndicate, who owned five horses trained by Grayson, are under suspicion. But the list of suspects grows as Meg learns more about the horses’ unexpected poor health and disappointing performances. Meg is under pressure to uncover the elusive truth, to put a stop to both people and animals being hurt.
And a secret is revealed that has a profound effect on Meg’s personal life.”
Q: Please complete this sentence:
“Because I write mysteries I . . .”
A: Because I write mysteries I have so much fun! I’m challenged too, which is a good thing!
Q: How has being a member of Sisters in Crime affected you?
A: Being a member of Sisters in Crime has given me both encouragement and valuable guidance. I enjoy the meetings in Toronto, although I can’t get to all of them.
The sisters are welcoming, supportive and understanding. The speakers are informative and encouraging.
Also, the webinars from the “mothership” are great. I have participated in a few so far, and plan to register for more in the future. Thank you, Sisters in Crime!
Crime Scene, the magazine of the Toronto Chapter of Sisters in Crime, is published five times a year. We encourage reprints, but only with credit to the article’s writer(s) and the Toronto chapter, and after notifying the Editorial Director at
© 2019 Sisters in Crime – Toronto Chapter. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
My First Book Award!
'Pointed Attacks' is a Canada Book Awards Winner!
Check out the program at
The front cover of my book is shown towards the end of the list of winners.
This program "recognizes and promotes Canadian author outstanding accomplishment". It is an ongoing assessment program and is not a contest.
'Pointed Attacks' was recently launched at All three books in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series are available at Blue Heron. The first two "What Happened to Frank?" and "Over Frank's Dead Body" are also available at your favourite e-book retailer. "Pointed Attacks" will be joining them soon!
Happy reading!
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Great Book Launch!
The launch of 'Pointed Attacks', the third book in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series, on November 17 at was a great success!
A big "thank you" to Blue Heron, family, friends and neighbours who gave their support.
I enjoyed meeting readers, reading excerpts and signing books.
All three books are available at Blue Heron Books in Uxbridge.
The first two books are both available at the usual e-book retailers (see links on my blog), and 'Pointed Attacks' will be there soon.
Please contact me if your have trouble obtaining a copy:
Happy reading!
Monday, 11 November 2019
Sneak Peek: 'Pointed Attacks'
This excerpt is close to the beginning of the book. I will be reading a couple more sections during the launch of 'Pointed Attacks' at Blue Heron Books on Sunday November 17 between 1 and 3pm.
The landline phone
rings as I reach for the kettle. Neal Carvey, the racehorse trainer for Rose
and Speed, is on the other end.
“You won’t believe
this,” he says.
“Are Rose and
Speed okay?”
“Great. I should
have said that first. This is something different. But it’s a bit of god-awful déjÃ
vu.” His voice is sombre and raspy.
“What is it Neal?”
“There’s this
trainer, he’s a friend of mine. I should say “was”, because he’s dead and I’ve
just heard that it’s being treated as a suicide.”
“Oh no.” I gasp. “I’m
so sorry Neal.” There’s more to this.
“He didn’t kill
himself. I know he didn’t.”
“You’re saying
someone killed him?” A weight lands on my shoulders as my stomach knots. I’ve
barely had time to recover from my investigations into who killed my husband,
Frank, and who killed the jockey, Juan. Neither death was considered to be suspicious
at first, and it was assumed that Frank had committed suicide. Talk about déjà vu.
“He wouldn’t have
killed himself. I’m sure of it. Can you and William look into it? You got the
guy who killed Juan. Sorry, my voice is cracking up.”
“I’m just about to
leave for England.”
“Oh.” I can hear
dejection in his lowered, quieter voice. “I don’t know anyone else who could
“Right. Well, my
flight isn’t until the day after tomorrow, so I could talk to a couple of
people in the meantime, and then follow up when I get back. That’s the best I
can do.”
“How long will you
be away?”
“I haven’t booked
my return flight because I don’t know. But I can’t leave Kelly and the horses
for long. I haven’t even found someone to look after Kelly yet. It’s all
happened rather quickly.”
“I’ll see you
tomorrow then?”
“I’ll be at the
track as early as possible.”
Copyright 2019 Vicky Earle
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Cover Reveal for 'Pointed Attacks'
This is the cover of my latest book in the Meg Sheppard Mystery series.
You're invited to the launch which will be at Blue Heron Books, Uxbridge on Sunday, November 17, 1-3pm. I will be reading excerpts and signing books.
A limited number of boxed sets (of all three books in the series) will be available.
The purchasers of each of the first four boxed sets will receive a free gift.
All three of the soft-covered books will be on offer for a special reduced price during the launch.
Watch for the release of 'Pointed Attacks' as an e-book. It will be available soon at all your favourite e-book retailers.
This is the description of the book:
Racehorse trainer, Grayson, is found dead
in his office trailer and Meg’s trainer, Neal, asks her to investigate.
The members of a syndicate, who owned five
horses trained by Grayson, are under suspicion. But the list of suspects grows
as Meg learns more about the horses’ unexpected poor health and disappointing
performances. Meg is under pressure to uncover the elusive truth, to put a stop
to both people and animals being hurt.
And a secret is revealed that has a
profound effect on Meg’s personal life.
Happy reading!
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
New Story and Link to First Author Newsletter
Here's the link to my first author newsletter:
Vicky Earle Newsletter
And here's a new story I wrote for the Uxbridge Writers' Circle Word Challenge - the words I had to use are shown in italics.
Vicky Earle Newsletter
And here's a new story I wrote for the Uxbridge Writers' Circle Word Challenge - the words I had to use are shown in italics.
The waves unfurled and crashed onto the
pebbles as salty spray, whipped up by the wind, hit his face. The sharp,
unforgiving edges of the cold granite rock dug into Mick’s behind as he
watched the sea unleashing its fury. He could taste the salt and smell the
didn’t have any desire to move. He wanted to stay right where he was, despite
the discomfort. It was easier to forget when the roar of the sea rattled in
your ears.
was a mistake his mother leaving Mick with her father, a drunkard, all those
years ago. She’d said that she couldn’t take him to the city, that it would be
better for him here, on this remote, bleak, desolate island surrounded by the
unrelenting power of the sea.
was the opposite to the sea. He was quiet, calm – at least on the outside, and
worst of all, he had no power. It was his sixteenth birthday and nothing had
changed. The daily routine was the same: make breakfast for the two of them,
fetch his grandfather’s paper, sweep out the cabin, get his books out and read the
pages that had been assigned the night before.
the evening, he must recite one poem of his grandfather’s choosing from a list
of twenty: the words of which were contained in an ancient leather-bound
seagull played with the wind, bouncing in the off-shore currents, floating then
flapping. He faced Mick, and the boy imagined the bird mocking him, teasing
him, challenging him to fly.
shut his eyes. But the idea had already taken root inside him and swelled,
nourished by the gull’s freedom, his apparent joy at being free. Mick knew that
it was crucial for him to leave. It was not worth existing simply to
learn from old, outdated, dusty books. He needed a plan to escape this torment.
month later, when the salty air had less of a bite to it and the thunder from
the sea’s rollers crashing on the rocks had eased, Mick walked down to the
dock. It was calm enough for the ferries to operate again. One of the boats was
in the harbour, and a couple of men were unloading a cargo of cardboard
boxes of various sizes and weights. They piled them up on the quay.
had the milk money as well as the paper money in his pocket. His lips were dry
and his legs wobbled. He reached the kiosk and asked for a ticket.
one way, then?” asked the grey-haired, wrinkled man.
ticket was in his cold, shaky hand as he found a seat and slumped down. He
covered as much of his face as possible, with his collar up and his toque
almost covering his eyes.
Moo. I thought it was you.”
stomach churned. His skin felt taut across his brow and around his mouth. He
couldn’t breathe. It was the young man who worked in the dairy.
don’t mind if I sit here, do you?” His large grin revealed stained, neglected
teeth, but his eyes sparkled. He called Mick “Moo” because he bought so much
milk. Mick’s grandfather insisted that he drink large quantities of the white
stuff. Mick would be happy to never have to smell or taste it ever again.
know what you’re doing.”
slumped down further.
about time.”
moved his eyes sideways to look at the young man. He didn’t know his name.
knows about you and that bad-tempered, drunk of a grandfather you live with,
but no-one knew what to do about it. Good on you to get out of there.”
touched Mick’s knee for a fleeting second.
going to get a job on the mainland and find a flat. We could help each other
out. How does that sound?”
sounded like a dream come true for Mick and not a moment too soon. He had
planned to jump overboard once they were out at sea.
Vicky Earle Copyright 2019
Monday, 7 October 2019
Book Launch!
This is the invitation to my launch of 'Pointed Attacks', the third book in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series.
You're invited!
I'll be reading excerpts and signing books at Blue Heron Books in Uxbridge, Ontario on Sunday, November 17 between 1pm and 3pm.
The first two books will also be for sale at the launch: 'What Happened to Frank?' and 'Over Frank's Dead Body'.
A limited number of box sets will be available - they make great holiday gifts.
I will be offering a discount on all books and sets during launch day.
Here is the book description for 'Pointed Attacks":
Grayson, a racehorse trainer, is found
dead in his office trailer and Meg’s trainer, Neal, asks her to investigate.
The members of a syndicate, who owned five
horses trained by Grayson, are under suspicion. But the list of suspects grows
as Meg learns more about the horses’ unexpected poor health and disappointing
performances. Meg is under pressure to uncover the elusive truth, to put a stop
to both people and animals being hurt.
And a secret is revealed that has a
profound effect on Meg’s personal life.
See you on November 17!
Let me know if you'd like to receive my newsletter - first issue coming out soon.
Sunday, 29 September 2019
A Racehorse in the Making

The first photo shows Chase at one day old, on May 16, 2018.
The second shows Chase being ridden in a round pen. We are pleased with his progress. He is a handsome guy, as well as being intelligent and relaxed. He has a good temperament and enjoys his food!
Chase will be coming home in a few weeks' time, once his schooling is complete, for a break until the spring.
We have given him the racing name of "I'm Dashing", for those of you who'd like to follow him. We hope that he makes the races!
I plan to issue a newsletter soon to those of you who are on my e-mailing list. I will keep readers up-to-date on my writing, as well as on Chase's progress.
As readers know, my Meg Sheppard Mystery Series centre on horses, horse-racing and country-living.
I will be launching the third book in this cozy-mystery series, "Pointed Attacks", on November 17 at Blue Heron Books. More information to follow.
You might like to know that the horse that we own half of, Dani's Victory, won another race on September 13! Here's the link to the video of the race: Dani's Victory September 13
Don't forget to sign up to be notified by email of blog posts at
And you can email me at
Friday, 20 September 2019
Readers! Book Reviews Needed!
The third book in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series will be launched in November!
I'm hoping that many readers will enjoy it.
Book reviews help to encourage people to read novels written by emerging writers.
I've received many great verbal reviews of my first two books in the series, and I've received just a few written ones which I'll share here:
"This book reminded me of why I like a good "whodunit". The tight writing and fast pace quickly drew me in and didn't let go of me until the last page. Move over Hercules Poirot and Inspector Banks - there is a new sleuth in town. "
William Bell
"A terrific read. I loved that every suspect had a secret, making the twists and turns very intriguing."
Danielle Crean
"A wonderful read. The twists and turns around that bend kept me reading! I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you. Keep writing Vicky! My friends and I will keep reading."
Carmel Brennan
"This is a great follow-up to "What Happened to Frank?" and another great mystery by writer Vicky Earle. Once again, Ms. Earle keeps things moving at a torrid pace, wasting no words while winding the main character, Meg Sheppard, into the centre of a complex web of crime, including of course, a murder. This book would adapt well to a thrilling stage play like Sleuth or The Mousetrap, with key events unfolding in surprising ways literally at Meg's doorstep.
"Over Frank's Dead Body" is much more than a mystery however, it's also a treatise on love. While I found myself trying to sift through the clues along with my new favourite, albeit somewhat reluctant sleuth Meg, to connect the dots and solve the crime, I also realized that I was witnessing the disturbingly wide scope of love's power. Ms. Earle skillfully reveals Meg Sheppard to us in ways that makes the reader share in the main character's emotional journey - sad, angry, and tortured at one moment, and then hopeful, grateful and even blissful the next. Love is perhaps life's greatest mystery and this book is a reminder as to why.
William Bell
Please leave a review at your favourite e-book retailer, or on Goodreads Vicky's books on Goodreads
Thank you for your support and encouragement!
I'm hoping that many readers will enjoy it.
Book reviews help to encourage people to read novels written by emerging writers.
I've received many great verbal reviews of my first two books in the series, and I've received just a few written ones which I'll share here:
"This book reminded me of why I like a good "whodunit". The tight writing and fast pace quickly drew me in and didn't let go of me until the last page. Move over Hercules Poirot and Inspector Banks - there is a new sleuth in town. "
William Bell
"A terrific read. I loved that every suspect had a secret, making the twists and turns very intriguing."
Danielle Crean
"A wonderful read. The twists and turns around that bend kept me reading! I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you. Keep writing Vicky! My friends and I will keep reading."
Carmel Brennan
"This is a great follow-up to "What Happened to Frank?" and another great mystery by writer Vicky Earle. Once again, Ms. Earle keeps things moving at a torrid pace, wasting no words while winding the main character, Meg Sheppard, into the centre of a complex web of crime, including of course, a murder. This book would adapt well to a thrilling stage play like Sleuth or The Mousetrap, with key events unfolding in surprising ways literally at Meg's doorstep.
"Over Frank's Dead Body" is much more than a mystery however, it's also a treatise on love. While I found myself trying to sift through the clues along with my new favourite, albeit somewhat reluctant sleuth Meg, to connect the dots and solve the crime, I also realized that I was witnessing the disturbingly wide scope of love's power. Ms. Earle skillfully reveals Meg Sheppard to us in ways that makes the reader share in the main character's emotional journey - sad, angry, and tortured at one moment, and then hopeful, grateful and even blissful the next. Love is perhaps life's greatest mystery and this book is a reminder as to why.
William Bell
Please leave a review at your favourite e-book retailer, or on Goodreads Vicky's books on Goodreads
Thank you for your support and encouragement!
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Word on the Street Toronto!

Toronto Sisters in Crime is participating in the 2019 Word on the Street Toronto
I'm fortunate to be a member of SinC
So, I'm going to the Word on the Street Toronto Book and Magazine Festival on Sunday September 22.
I will be signing my books at the SinC booth between 10am and 11am and will be a volunteer at the booth from 11.30am until 1.30pm.
If you're a writer, I encourage you to join SinC. There will be information, books and more at the booth.
If you're a reader, member authors will have fabulous books available - mysteries of all sorts!
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, 1 September 2019
A Win At Last At Woodbine Racetrack!
Dani's Victory having a bath in the spring of 2019.
As anyone who owns thoroughbred racehorses knows, it is a tough business.
So many things can go wrong with these finely-tuned athletes, both mentally and physically. Most of them love to run and some try too hard. Others don't want to race, and no-one can persuade them otherwise. They have to want to compete.
We racehorse owners can have long periods without a win.
But yesterday Dani's Victory, a horse that we own 50% of, came first across the finish line with jockey Daisuke Fukumoto. The jockey gave the horse an excellent ride and the horse did a great job.
We were thrilled to be in the Winner's Circle again.
And Dani's Victory is very pleased with himself. He enjoyed our visit this morning to congratulate him and the trainer, John Charalambous, as well as all of his barn staff. Dani's Victory loved the mints and carrots.
As readers know, I use my experience and knowledge of the thoroughbred horse-racing business, from an owner's point of view, in writing the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series.
I'm writing the fourth book in the series. The third will be launched in November.
If you haven't read the first two, here are the links: What Happened to Frank? and Over Frank's Dead Body
Here's the race:
Dani's Victory's win
As anyone who owns thoroughbred racehorses knows, it is a tough business.
So many things can go wrong with these finely-tuned athletes, both mentally and physically. Most of them love to run and some try too hard. Others don't want to race, and no-one can persuade them otherwise. They have to want to compete.
We racehorse owners can have long periods without a win.
But yesterday Dani's Victory, a horse that we own 50% of, came first across the finish line with jockey Daisuke Fukumoto. The jockey gave the horse an excellent ride and the horse did a great job.
We were thrilled to be in the Winner's Circle again.
And Dani's Victory is very pleased with himself. He enjoyed our visit this morning to congratulate him and the trainer, John Charalambous, as well as all of his barn staff. Dani's Victory loved the mints and carrots.
As readers know, I use my experience and knowledge of the thoroughbred horse-racing business, from an owner's point of view, in writing the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series.
I'm writing the fourth book in the series. The third will be launched in November.
If you haven't read the first two, here are the links: What Happened to Frank? and Over Frank's Dead Body
Here's the race:
Dani's Victory's win
Thursday, 15 August 2019
'Advantage': a story
This is a story I wrote to read at a meeting of the Uxbridge Writers' Circle
Each month, members write something that must include the words we chose during the previous meeting. This is a piece that I wrote for July and it touches on some issues about aging - something I feel passionately about.
The words we selected are shown in italics.
I hope you enjoy it! Please leave a comment.
Thank you.
Each month, members write something that must include the words we chose during the previous meeting. This is a piece that I wrote for July and it touches on some issues about aging - something I feel passionately about.
The words we selected are shown in italics.
I hope you enjoy it! Please leave a comment.
Thank you.
The view hadn’t changed from the evening
before, except that the sun was in a different spot in the sky, which made the
shadows shorter and more distinct. The trees were the same trees that Melanie
had stared at for hours, weeks on end. She’d lost track of time. How long had
she been in this godforsaken place? What day was it? The lilacs were over, the
grass had been mown and the hostas were spreading their wings, so it must be well
into spring. But she didn’t care. Nothing mattered any more.
eyes caught movement on the driveway that led from the parking lot. There
weren’t many visitors because this so-called retirement haven was stuck out on
the country road that wound its way to the garbage dump.
As far as Melanie
was concerned, she’d been dumped by her family. They’d insisted that it was for
her own good. She’d be safe and have company. She’d much rather be living
dangerously and alone.
young woman looked familiar. She approached the front door with a determined
stride. Melanie couldn’t see her enter the building, but sensed that she was
about to receive her first visitor.
stopped at the doorway into the quiet, still, ‘dying room’ as Melanie called
it. The girl’s eyes widened in response to the older woman’s half-hearted wave.
Melanie hadn’t seen her granddaughter for several months, but she knew that the
girl had had her appendix out and been busy at university with exams
Melanie used to be
busy once.
think this was hallowed ground. They gave me the third degree. I thought
I wasn’t going to be let in,” Penny said as she flopped down on the
vinyl-covered sofa, unwound her long, stripy scarf and unzipped her
Melanie said, not without tentativeness.
got up and gave Melanie an almost touchless hug as she made the gesture of
kissing each of the old woman’s wrinkled cheeks.
so sorry, Gran. I’m in a state. I’m here to ask for your help.”
been busy.” Melanie hoped the words didn’t convey the envy she felt.
on some kind of hamster wheel and can’t get off, and then this happens.” She
handed Melanie a newspaper clipping.
stabbed in locker room,” Melanie read out-loud. “Was he someone you knew?”
was a good friend. I really liked him.”
was murdered?” Melanie asked, although the answer was obvious.
can’t believe it. Who could want him dead? He was one of the good guys. He was
even a bit of a hero in his community because he helped save the life of
a little boy who’d fallen off a rock, or something, into the lake.”
dear.” Melanie looked at Penny’s face with its smooth, flawless skin and clear,
bright eyes. Gravity hadn’t yet wreaked its havoc on her granddaughter’s looks,
and her skin still had elasticity. Melanie couldn’t remember what she’d looked
like when she’d been Penny’s age.
says I need to forget the whole thing and not get involved,” Penny said as she opened
her lap-top.
see. So, what are you going to do?”
just me. We are going to solve this. The police have no idea what happened.
Nobody’ll talk to them. But, in any case, there weren’t any witnesses, or at
least no-one will own up to being there.”
do you mean by ‘we’?”
and me. You were the best sleuth ever. I want the Melanie Butler advantage on
my side.”
Butler Investigations closed down several years ago, remember?”
don’t care. You’re still Melanie Butler. There’s nothing wrong with your brain.
Just because you have arthritis and Grandad died doesn’t mean you can’t do
smiled for the first time in over a year.
I’m stuck in this place,” Melanie said, as her mouth sagged back to its usual
droopy position.
can work from here. This can be our office, and I’ve borrowed Dad’s fancy SUV
for the summer. He’s off to China tomorrow, something to do with trade, and he
said I could use it. You’ll be able to get in and out of it, no problem. Aren’t
you supposed to keep moving?”
Yes, I should.”
dared to feel a little hope, a glimmer of light in her life, as Penny handed
her some papers and showed her pictures on her lap-top. Something to think
about. Something to do. Something to live for.
and Penny became an inseparable team, interviewing students, lecturers,
custodians, security staff and others. Melanie’s walking improved and her brain
felt as if it was running on higher octane fuel. Her appetite returned.
regained some of her lost dignity.
don’t you move out of this depressing place?” Penny asked one day, right in the
middle of an intense discussion they were having about their three prime
love to get out of here. But I feel stuck.”
a condo available in town. Do you want to look at it? I’d be willing to share,
if you are. Dad wouldn’t be able to object.”
droplets of water gathered in Melanie’s eyes.
absolutely love to look at it.”
how Melanie and Penny Butler started M and P Advantage Investigation Services.
And the first case they cracked was Brendan’s murder. Melanie’s persistent
questioning of one of Brendan’s flat-mates uncovered the typical story of a
jealous lover whose girlfriend decided she’d rather go out with Brendan. So,
the murderer thought that the solution was to get rid of Brendan, and then he’d
get his girlfriend back. It didn’t work out as planned, but it rarely does.
couldn’t help but feel a disturbing sense of gratitude to this young man. After
all, if he hadn’t murdered Brendan, she wouldn’t have got her life back.
Vicky Earle Copyright 2019
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