Friday, 1 March 2019

Spring Promotion of Meg Sheppard Mystery Series E-books!

For the month of March, the first two e-books in the Meg Sheppard Mystery Series are available at reduced prices for those of you who haven't had a chance to read them yet.


Because I'm editing my third book in the series and I'm sure that once you've read the first two, you'll want to read the third!

Here are the links which will connect you to each book at your favourite e-book retailer:
What Happened to Frank? 
Over Frank's Dead Body

And please leave a review!

If you prefer the soft-cover version, they'll continue to be available at Blue Heron Books, Uxbridge Ontario until mid-April. Also, Books Galore in Port Perry has a couple of copies.

Happy reading.

1 comment:

  1. Great books Vicky and I just had to share your news so have posted it to my fb page.
